Learn Through Experimentation.
Jumping into solutions is comfortable and often necessary. But it also happens to be bad for developing a culture of innovation.
Real innovation happens when we experiment and test our existing knowledge and assumptions by trying out new things. By embracing curiosity, we can counter the natural discomfort we feel when faced with uncertainty.
We must move past our assumptions and learn about our audiences’ needs and the real problems they face. Only then can we provide solutions that truly add value to their lives.
Experimentation is all about adopting a learner mindset - whoever you are and whatever your position in an organisation.  Immersing yourself in the world of your customer with the goal of finding out more about their needs is the key to successful innovation.
Experimentation is not an expensive undertaking - it can be done quickly and easily with little investment. It’s all about making your ideas real and testing them with real people; the people that you are designing for.
It’s also about building a culture of transparency - promoting the sharing of work in progress, and encouraging teams to act quickly and pivot their ideas based on new knowledge.
What is my role as a leader?
Identify and question yours and others’ assumptions
Promote and role model curiosity, hold things lightly and always aim to learn
Build a culture of sharing successes, failures and learnings
Invest in testing with customers
As a leader, you can promote experimentation by encouraging your teams to interact with customers as much as possible. You should constantly be asking “how can we learn more?”
You are also in a key position to role model progress over perfection  - get your team into the habit of recognising “good enough” in their work, and moving on with pragmatism
Simple ideas to get you started
What if you…
  • Ring-fenced a dedicated experimentation budget for 2023?
What if you…
  • Agreed a rule that everyone in your team had to speak to customers for (at least) an hour per week?
What if you…
  • Asked your teams to host regular feedback meetings to share unfinished ‘work in progress’ and… they have to invite their customers along to offer feedback on what’s shared?
Excited and intrigued by this bold move? Let’s talk on hello@andus.co or 020 3411 5502